
When three stars appear

When three stars appear, or even one, we must pause to enjoy their light. What sources of true happiness we have all neglected! We see it now that the lights are gone out, and will not shine down upon us any more. What sources of true pleasure are with us yet, if we had but the wisdom to rest and enjoy their radiance! We press on foolishly and blindly, thinking that the days to come will bring brighter lustres with them. But they may not. I have spoken of the listlessness of many people who are well off and successful. Let me testify also to the wonderful courage and patience of the great multitude who have little light in their life, but know how to make the best of that light. I know men who hold their situations by slenderest thread, whose work is burdensome, whose salaries are small, who have troubles to meet them when they come home. But they have had the wisdom not to think over-anxiously of the future, and to fasten their eyes on the few bright spots in the present. And they are happy and even buoyant. Surely theirs is the true wisdom. It is they who rebuke most impressively the sullenness, the ingratitude, the discontent with which many good gifts of God are received.当三颗星星出现时,哪怕只有一颗星,我们都 必须停止工作去欣赏它的光芒。光灭了,不再 照耀时我们才意识到错过了真正的快乐的源泉 。而当它一直伴随着我们时,但愿聪明的我们 能停下来,欣赏它的光芒。我们愚蠢盲目地抓 紧工作,认为将来的日子将有更闪亮的光辉, 但实则未必,就像我谈到过许多屡获成功的人 却满是倦怠。我想为伟大民众的勇气和耐心作 证,他们的生活中只有些许光明,但他们知道 怎么充分利用那点光明。我认识一些看似陷入 绝境的人,他们的工作繁重不堪,他们的薪水 少得可怜,回到家就有一堆麻烦在等待他们。 但他们很聪明,不去过分焦虑,也不去担忧未 来,把所有的注意力集中到眼前少得可怜的亮 点上。他们是快乐的,甚至是轻松的,他们是 真正的智者。正是他们才能谴责如下行径:拜 上帝所赐承受恩惠却仍然郁郁寡欢、忘恩负义 和不满足。

